Wednesday, 11 June 2014

3 ways to cure baldness
Are you seeking an effective treatment to stop hair loss and even, possibly, reverse it? You are not alone; according to the American Hair Loss Association, 70% of men will experience male pattern baldness by the age of 35. This does not mean that women enjoy a full head of hair throughout their lives. Women also get affected by alopecia hair loss, making up 40% of the world’s two-third population suffering from alopecia.
However, the good news is that baldness is no more an irreversible problem. There are a number of treatments available that help reduce hair loss, and some of them encourage new hair growth as well.
The three most commonly used ways to stop hair loss and cure baldness are:
1.       Diet and Supplements
2.       Medications
3.       Hair Transplant
Diet and Supplements
One most common cause of hair loss is deficiency of essential vitamins in your body. If this is the case, you can significantly reduce hair loss by incorporating whole foods in your daily meals. If you believe you are not maintaining the right levels merely through diet, then you can also take supplements. Biotin is a very good supplement prescribed to not only prevent excessive hair loss but also to spark hair growth in the balding areas. However, it is highly recommended to discuss with your doctor before taking biotin supplement.
Iron is also essential for your hair growth as well as for the overall health of your hair. You can incorporate iron in your diet primarily by consuming green leafy vegetables. Cashews, figs, berries and leeks are also good sources of iron. You can also cover iron deficiency by adding supplements to your diet.
In addition to nutritional remedies, you could also try oral and topical medications to combat hair loss and baldness. There are a number of over the counter as well as prescription medicines available to help you control hair fall. In addition to creams and serums, medicated shampoos and conditioners are also available to help alopecia patients regrow lost hair.
If your hair loss is excessive, and you are not satisfied with the results of natural remedies and medications, then surgical hair transplant may be best for you. Hair Transplantation involves taking hair follicles from bald resistant areas, back or sides of the scalp (donor areas) and relocating them on the balding areas (recipient area). It is a resulted oriented procedure that gives guaranteed solution to baldness, and since the transplanted hair are taken from bald resistant areas of the scalp, they will stay on your head for long.

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